New Book! Flat Fee Freelancer by Stephen Poynter

Flat Fee Freelancer cover

Greetings from the North!

I’m popping in with some exciting news: we’ve got a new book out! Say hello to Flat Fee Freelancer by the lovely and talented Stephen Poynter!

For those of you who don’t know my husband Stephen, he has a background in finance and is passionate about helping entrepreneurs launch and grow their businesses.

The idea for this book was born–at least in part–from my own frustrating experiences launching my writing business.

I’ve been freelancing for four years now, and started out on freelancing sites like Upwork where hourly rates are ridiculously low. Even off of those sites I was only charging the same hourly rate I was making as an employee at my day job (bad idea.) If you’re looking to start a business, you’ll quickly realize that there’s a lot of really bad advice out there, which if followed will lead quickly to burnout.

With the burgeoning gig economy, the need for a short little guide to help newbies learn the ropes of freelancing was definitely huge. And so, Flat Fee Freelancer was born!

Honestly, I wish I had this book when I was just starting out: it outlines why it’s so important to know your worth and not sell yourself short as a freelancer so you can actually make it in your business. It has tips on how to find the going rates in your field, how to charge and how to make sure you don’t get trapped in an endless cycle of project revisions.

I’m super proud of Stephen for publishing his first book, especially since it became Amazon’s #1 new release in the One Hour Business & Money Short Reads category.

Here’s a link if you want to check it out for yourself:

And until next time, happy writing!

One thought on “New Book! Flat Fee Freelancer by Stephen Poynter

  1. Woo, congrats to Stephen, and yeah, the freelancing industry, especially for writers, is pretty volatile. It’s worse here in Malaysia too, and with the pandemic cutting down on jobs, things have begun looking pretty hairy. Great topic for the book. I might just check it out!

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