Why I Won’t Make Fun of My Past Self

After several moments of scathing self-criticism, I stopped, horrified at what my mind was doing. Here were the words I had written with such passion during one of the most meaningful and amazing experiences of my life. And rather than looking back with appreciation and love for the girl who set off to take on the world, all I was focusing on was the negative and everything I wanted to change.

Happiness is acceptance

We all know that person, or--if you're lucky--those many people who make you breathe a little easier. Who, when you're with them, you can feel your shoulders relax a little because it's alright. We know what it's like to be with those people who let you know that it's fully okay to be fully you, who … Continue reading Happiness is acceptance

April love: Inspiring quote

In my little world, it's both spring break and Eastern Orthodox holy week. It also feels like February at my parent's house in Wisconsin, following a full-day snowstorm that left a fresh eight inches of fluff. What a snowy Pascha it will be. As I mentioned in my last post, it's become hard to find … Continue reading April love: Inspiring quote

Winter, illness, and positivity

It's been a long winter. Our first snowfall came just in time for Halloween, and has stuck around until spring. Throw in some -40 windchills around Christmas and a few 8-foot blizzards in February and we had ourselves a good old-fashioned winter, the kind I remember as a little girl, with no 50 degree weeks … Continue reading Winter, illness, and positivity

Life in grayscale

I open my eyes to the light of a new day, blinking at the aspens and background of sky outside my window. Gray. I stand on the shore at the edge of Superior’s waters, eyes blurring at the miles and miles of steely waves. Gray. I drive home in a sort of absence, mind numbed … Continue reading Life in grayscale


Hey readers! Please take the time to read this amazing piece of writing by my husband, Stephen. Living deliberately and authentically is a mission we set out on while backpacking Europe a year and a half ago, and I hope these words will inspire and encourage you in your own life journey. <3

Early March Thoughts

Hey everyone, Here’s a little window into the random things I’ve been thinking about lately, accompanied by pieces of art from our local gallery that rocks my world whenever I need a place to drink tea and get lost in art. First, I thought I’d start off by mentioning that my lovely and thoughtful husband … Continue reading Early March Thoughts